Happy New Year
Just wanted to wish everyone a very happy and prosperous New Year. It has to get better, right?
Welcome to the Tiny House...
Just wanted to wish everyone a very happy and prosperous New Year. It has to get better, right?
Well if that wasn't nice, I don't know what is... Had a great Christmas and am looking forward to the New year. Being the procrastinator that I am I don't get fired up about New Year until the Lunar New Year rolls around. Though I don't have a lick of Chinese in the many nationalities that make up ol' Phos, I really love the Chinese New Year. Maybe it stems from my love of Oriental cuisine, maybe I am just a tad crazy, but love it I do. For me that is the real start of a new period in which to screw things up.
There are many ways to look at this holiday, from my point of view it is a good time for self reflection and time to think about what impact, if any one has had on his fellow man. Part of that comes down to what has one given of him or herself and in my mind the gift of love far transcends any other.
Dear Congressman Franks,
It was interesting to see “The Great Decider” do an end around on the Senate and loan money to the auto industry. I hope it doesn’t prove a poor decision, at least not on the scale of the Iraq invasion at any rate. Chevrolet and Chrysler said they’d be back later in the initial interviews on Capitol Hill, and I don’t think they were kidding. It as if one put a saucer of milk out for a stray cat, once the cat eats the milk he will continually hang about until he gets more.
Perhaps more alarming is the fact the Executive office has as assumed powers I don’t believe it should have in the form of the ability to wage war, designate funds, and signing statements. It has turned the oval office into the lair of a dictator. These powers need to be stripped away and given back to the congress and there by default to the people (remember us?).
I would also like to know if the bailout for the auto companies the president unilaterally bestowed upon them includes a bail out for the mass transportation industry, which played fast and loose with the rules to develop an illegal financing scheme with banks and was left holding the bag when it all fell apart. It is nice to know that if one fails in business or winds up on the short end of a financial scam that the government or at least the president will be there for him or her. I was glad to see there are no repercussions for the CEOs and management of the banks and the auto industry, which would have indeed been heinous. No reason on earth to hold them responsible for their failure.
By the way, congratulations on the raise I hear you all just got. I didn’t get a raise or bonus this year, but I am not complaining as I am happy to still have my job and my house. Best to remember this when folks start talking about Washington being out of touch with their constituents. I’d also like to know when we can expect the trickle down from the billions we are pumping into the financial and auto industry. I could use a few bucks for Christmas.
When an enemy vessel was cornered it was general practice to open and the sea valves and let the ocean flood the ship so it would sink or as it is known, scuttle the vessel. Bush is definitely opening all the valves, in fact I think he has come as close to sabotage as any spy during the cold war. He'll retire in Dallas, fat, dumb, and happy and as oblivious to the outside world as he is today, leaving "the peoples choice," Osama Bin Obama with a pretty big mess.
Speaking of Osama, looks as though "our" boy is having a tough time wiping the Illinois stink off himself. Nothing clean has ever come out of that state, especially its gutter crawling politicians. Even Lincoln was a mutant, though to be fair he moved there from Kentucky and wasn't part of the Daley Machine. He did manage to spark the Civil War, and if you think it was all about slavery, we'll talk later. Osama bin Obama is cut from the same cloth as all the other Illinois politicians, sure he moved there from Hawaii, but he was a quick learner and that state has got to have a huge asshole-magnet buried under Chicago – time will tell.
Anyway, looks as though our Treasury department is going to hand over the money to the automakers, not needing our (that is the taxpayer's) consent so that our economy can freely hemorrhage money for the next several years, because the auto assholes have made it clear they are coming back for more in a few months. Almost like feudal lords sitting upon their thrones demanding tribute from the people. I still won’t buy an American car; they already have enough of my money. I'm not fond of the Japanese, but Id' rather drive one of their cars (well made and fuel efficient I might add) than put any coin in Detroit's pocket.
Anyway, old Osama has a hard row to hoe, and he's doing it with all the same old faces at his back. So far no appreciable change there, Barak. He is all for hand outs to this that and the next thing, the usual democratic plan to fix a social problem, throw money at it, expand the government, and as all politicians, make sure your pals, supporters, and big contributors get plum spots in your organization. He is anxious to make sure Hillary gets the millions she pissed away on her campaign back – if only he was as adamant about protecting us. The only change is that we have new masters, who by no small coincidence were former masters. I believe now would be a good time to buy an American flag, leave it in the box, carefully wrap the box and put it somewhere safe, it is about to become a collector’s item, a historical relic of a failed government system.
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Labels: We've been had again
Well according to the religious experts and the merchants, Christmas is almost upon us. I thought it fitting I mark the occasion by the lighting of the traditional Advent Lamb, in the case, Dolly Mk VIII. Once again some radiation has leaked over from my nuclear experiments (I am just trying to produce electric power, honest! Hey it works for Iran!) which may account for the blue wool. Have to add more lead plates to the garage door, but Mrs. Phos can't lift the thing as it is. Ah well, I suppose I'll get it figured out before the neighbor kids lose all their hair.
Almost a whole week since I last posted, the time just slipped away somehow. Haven't been terribly inspired to write, hopefully that will pass.