Time Flies
Almost a whole week since I last posted, the time just slipped away somehow. Haven't been terribly inspired to write, hopefully that will pass.
Saw that Bush finally used the "R word" and said we are in arecesstion, showing how out of touch he and the rest of the pirates in Washington are with reality. The scary thing is by saying we're in recession in his delusional state means we're probably in a depression. I belive we are at a tipping point where one more blow could bring total disaster to our country. On the bright side, the Canadian Primeminister's latest move to disband parliment on the cusp of his removal shows we aren't the only country with a pack of schnooks in charge. Communism failed and it appears Democracy (as it stands now in the US) is on life support. Might be a good time for Obama to become a bit more negaged as the current president has already gone "ROAD."
The way I see it, and I could be wrong, maybe he was waiting for the other president to take office before he would admit to being in a recession. Maybe he didn't want to face what we are now going through.
That doesn't sound good, does it? No it doesn't.
the whole
world on the
verge of depression
governments everywhere working
feverishly to try to head off what may be a global disaster
the canadian prime minister takes an early and extended christmas vacation to save his sorry lying ass
i can tell you that most canadians are ashamed of this cowardly act and want nothing more than to kick this prime minister's ass so hard and far out into the snow it is never seen or heard from again
f***ing rat politicians should all be shot
hoping all is well at the tiny house :)
Sometimes I get the feeling that leaders don't understand that their state of mood and engagement has the same impact on the citizens as parents has on children.
Some of those nation-leaders luck the most elementary knowledge about being a leader. How in the earth do they get on those positions in the first place?
(( hug ))
i can have my schnook rifle ready momentarily ..
I saw Bush on the news here and also Stephen Harper...yes what choice do we have, these politicians all lie and never seem to live up to the promises they make before they are elected.
The fat cats on Wall Street and here in Australia have their grubby pockets well lined, they wont suffer.
Yes Phos dear, not a recession more like a depression, we will all be issued with food stamps soon and living the lifestyle we are accustomed to, it is going to decline and hit home in a very hard way with a greater impact on our wasteful consumer society than it did back in the 1930's. ♥
Democracy would mean the power is in the hands of the people.
What we now see falling off the cliff is capitalysm. Nothing else.
Democracy is long dead in the world as we know it. People are still lazy and asleep.
Unfortunately I can't see a solution for the problems we're facing. All comes and goes in waves.
It still amazes me, when I see Bush on TV, that we have such an incredible idiot for a president. Of course, in the words of Lewis Black, when we went to vote all we were offered were two bowls of shit, the only difference was the smell.
and now
i see that
another kennedy
wants to run in NY...
thought you guys had your big revolt and all to get rid of royalty?!?
or as anne might say today, "let them eat shit" ;)
I think the Kennedy family wants to keep their name in the gov't. Teddy is about to bite the dust so Caroline, one of the last left, is going to step up to the plate. I have to admit she's kind of hot. She must be fairly brave as well or is planing on wearing a bullet proof hat. In the US we have apolitical class that breed candidates so they can keep the same old shit going in Washington. Wonder is Lee Harvey Oswald has a son??
looky, it ain't Democracy on life support--what we's been practicin' shore ain't democracy.
AB: RIght you are, we live in a republic, supposed to be a gov't through representation, or lack of therein.
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