I first felt the yearning a couple of days ago, a longing for the fresh golden squeaky taste of the cheese curd. Near impossible to describe the experience of biting into a fresh curd, it is something that needs to be experienced first hand. The important thing is that the curds have to be fresh - only one way to ensure that, you have to journey to the nearest cheese factory. Once in a while I see them in shiny plastic packages at the market and am tempted to pluck them from their hook and eat them, but in seconds my common sense returns and I realize these industrial strength curd's time has come and gone, it will taste like an old piece of cheddar and worst of all no squeak.
To assuage this desire I will be making a pilgrimage back to the home of the curd some time this Fall. I am going to attempt to squeeze in between mosquito season and blizzard season, so 'round about October. Besides, there should be plenty of Leinie's Oktoberfest available around that time.
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