Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Call of the Curd

I first felt the yearning a couple of days ago, a longing for the fresh golden squeaky taste of the cheese curd. Near impossible to describe the experience of biting into a fresh curd, it is something that needs to be experienced first hand. The important thing is that the curds have to be fresh - only one way to ensure that, you have to journey to the nearest cheese factory. Once in a while I see them in shiny plastic packages at the market and am tempted to pluck them from their hook and eat them, but in seconds my common sense returns and I realize these industrial strength curd's time has come and gone, it will taste like an old piece of cheddar and worst of all no squeak.

To assuage this desire I will be making a pilgrimage back to the home of the curd some time this Fall. I am going to attempt to squeeze in between mosquito season and blizzard season, so 'round about October. Besides, there should be plenty of Leinie's Oktoberfest available around that time.

Admin Note: I have added some links, taken some off, and repaired some. If I have linked to you and you would rather I not, or have made a mistake in some way, please let me know. Don't worry if your link is last or first, I am not organized enough to classify links in any manner, they are there primarily to make it easy for Lazy Phos to visit your site without digging. On the other hand, check out some of the other links - there are some amazing people to be found.


At 1:08 PM, Blogger darkfoam said...

i hear that the consumption of too many cheese curds can lead to excessive polka dancing and beer drinking ..
what the heck, eat all you can handle.

At 1:11 PM, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

foam: Ya hey! Can't wait

At 1:14 PM, Blogger ANNA-LYS said...

Cheeeeeese Phossy Man :-D

Luxury it sounds like, but honestly, I have a passion for cheese, still don't know what "curd" is. Lemon curd I have here, but cheese curd??? Please, explain ...

Tnx for visiting my soap opera, did You enjoy the content in the bottle??

(( hug ))

<3 4 link

At 1:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

polka babes

but i digress

the phosgene curd


At 2:16 PM, Blogger Pink said...

LOL to /t

I hate to be the one to ask...but where exactly does a lonely cheese curd call 'home'?

and oh sorry...gotta go...its whey past my bedtime (I slay me)

At 2:55 PM, Blogger jin said...

You are visiting the jinstate!!!

Even the perfectly healthy veggie chicks like me cave every few months and down an order (or two *blush*) of the local deep fried variety... Mmmmmmm...

At 3:40 PM, Blogger Indigo said...

Lemme tell ya: my love of cheese is why I could never be a full-blown vegan. Gotta have cheese. I can live without meat, but the cheese stays! :)

At 4:55 PM, Blogger h said...

I don't see my link in there. And "Powers" is NEXT week's Mute Monday theme. April 7th.

At 6:14 PM, Blogger sparringK9 said...

i made the arts section!! yay!!

i was present at the harvesting of goat milk and the making of cheese last summer at a friends farm. i thought i didnt like goat cheese but that fresh cheese was curd like in texture and delicious flavored with fresh garden scallions. mmmmmmmm!! i mean, i think that was curd.

either way, i cant polka. unless its the "thriller" version

At 6:44 PM, Blogger Chickie said...

I wish I liked the curd. (since cheese is my love) I've only had the supermarket kind though and it just tasted like nothing.

At 7:23 PM, Blogger Dino said...

what is cheese curd????????

At 7:59 PM, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

a-l: Cheese curds are one of the first steps in making cheese - of curds and whey fame (as Pink painfully pointed out). The whey is drained off leaving the curds (firm little globs of cheese)which are then compressed and left to age into cheese.

/t.: Unfortunately most "polka babes" are even older than I and have better mustache's.

Phos Curds, not to be confused with Phos Kurds, which is something entirely different...

Pink: Fortunately I love bad puns so I am whey past groaning at your joke. Have you read any of Piers Anthony's Xanth novels??

jin: Wisconsin isn't a state in the physical sense, more of a state of being. Even when I am gone (and I am real gone) I am still there. Don't know if I will make it to Manitowoc or not at this stage...

indigo: I used to think of bread as the staff of life, but bread ain't shit without a nice slab of brick cheese on it!!

troll: Oversight on the link corrected. I actually saw the Power theme on another Blog and figured it was this week's - sorry I jumped the gun.

she: I have had goat's milk and it sucks, but something wonderful happens to it when made into cheese - the same with sheep, nothing like a good Gruyere!!

chickie: therein lies the problem, it has to be straight out of the vat or you are better off eating the bag and throwing the supermarket curds away.

dak: a bunch of cheesy lumps that are left when the whey is drained before the cheese is actually formed.

At 11:12 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Whey, kurds - the comments are something aren't they.

Haven't tried cheese curd ... some day I will someday.

At 5:45 AM, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

sj: Good luck on your hunt for the elusive curd!!

At 5:58 PM, Blogger Little Lamb said...

Where's my post?

At 1:49 PM, Blogger ANNA-LYS said...

Tnx for the enlightenment!


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