Saturday, June 24, 2006

Apology to CS

I overreacted on a Blog post I read and I do have to apologize for snapping. I am touchy about any perceived slights to the military, it was my life for 20 some odd years, and odd they were.  That and a lot of my friends are ex-military, from Vietnam Helicopter pilots to Sidney the Marine who went from private to lance corporal and back to private all in the span of our little stint in Bahrain.

There was always some bullshit, like any job, but by and large it was always interesting and I managed to have some fun along the way – met lots of nice people as well.  

Once again, sorry I blew up.  I’d like to promise it’ll never happen again, but why kid myself.


At 4:30 PM, Blogger Sugarfoot said...

All I can probably ever offer is an opinion whose merits at times can be questioned. I figure that we all have the right to voice our opinions, even if they are perceived by some to be harsh. Doesn't mean as you know that freedom of speech gives anyone the right to say absolutely anything they feel, but it is difficult to put credence into an opinion given by the ignorant. There really is a great deal of wisdom to the premise that you have to walk a mile in another person's moccasins before offering judgment. If I were in your place, I would have a hard time giving any validity to any person who commented about the service if they had not at least served one term, or at least 20 years like yourself.


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