Thursday, February 08, 2007

On the Fast Track to Easy Street

Just got a letter for my new best friend “The Donald”, Donald Trump that is. Seems Don wants to let me in on his financial secrets, sent me a special, special mind you, invitation to get the scoop. Ok it is some dude that has paid for the use of Don’s name giving the talk, but nonetheless before you know it I will be shitting skyscrapers and baiting lesbian TV hosts with the best of them!!

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At 7:57 PM, Blogger Keshi said...

really? :)


At 7:58 PM, Blogger Keshi said...

and wud he tell u the secret behind his hair? :):)


At 8:04 PM, Blogger none said...

I've been to one of those types of things. They spend an hour really saying nothing then they want you to buy $1500 worth of their courses

At 8:24 PM, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

Keshi:I think everyone in phoenix got a "special ticket". Donny's hair is brought to you by Hair Club for Men.

hammer: Right you are. Stands to reason if these dudes were so rich they'd have better things to do then sit around and jaw with ol' Phos.

At 8:27 PM, Blogger Dino said...

i got one of those too a while ago - took great pride in throwing it out

At 8:51 PM, Blogger Chickie said...

Shitting skyscrapers? You have a great way with words.

At 4:25 AM, Blogger Little Lamb said...

and then you can share with the rest of us how to get rich!

At 9:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

in the back
of comic books
when i was a kid...

"send $10 for my book, How To Make A Million Dollars"

get 100,000 fools to send you $10

snake oil

cosmetics & pharmaceuticals:

your hair is red? give us $10 to color it blonde... you hair is blonde? give us $10 to color it brunette... we'll give you dead hair, and maybe cancer, too, and different colored hair!

got a cold? give us $10 for our wonder oil pills... side effects include cold symptoms and an empty wallet

want more of this crap? want less of this crap? send me $10 for more or less...


At 4:50 PM, Blogger Sarah Letnes said...

We got a "special" invitation, too!

At 7:17 PM, Blogger Sister Copinherhair said...

You may end up with one hell of a hemorrhoid if you shit a skyscraper!

As far as his hair goes, that dude is using his back hair to cover his bald head. You know they said hairs are like people...they retire and move down south so he just swoops it up from between his shoulder blades. Voila! Instant hair piece.

At 8:00 AM, Blogger Die Muräne said...

You're such a lucky guy Phos!! First the TV-Show and now this big luck with this Donald Trump-thingy. I can't believe! You must really be on the sunny side of life.

Meanwhile I'm trying hard to make my luck... I will attend a workshop in healing women just by holding my hands on there breasts ;)

(awww sorry, silly joke...)

At 10:48 AM, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

DAK: I Was a little sad after I tossed mine out - it didn't soak up as much of the Dr Pepper residue in the bottom of the garbage can as I had hoped.

chickie:Thanks, I try my best.

LL: Getting rich is easy, don't give the seminar dudes your money.

/t.: The X-ray specks were a big disappointment for me. Even with them the only breasts I saw were in national Geographic magazine until I was about 20.

SL: Not as special as mine!!

DU: You think with all that money he could have a pate transplant or something.

DM: Lucky is right, even the dogshit I step in smells like roses!!

You may want to try a little mouth to breast resuscitation - it heals faster.

LP: This is one opportunity that I expect will knock again, sneaking into our home hidden amongst the Spanish grocery advertisements.

At 6:24 PM, Blogger Dr.Alistair said...

the hair is a raccoon.

who the fuck is george ross?

At 8:45 PM, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

Dr. A: I think you may be right, his hair does have an "Over the Hedge" kind of thing going on.

George Ross is the dude that paid Trump to use his name to rope in the suckers.


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