Monday, February 05, 2007

Mixed Feelings or Time to Start the "Happy Pills" again

Only 9:16 AM and I am already on my third “Aspirin Fizz”, a lethal concoction of aspirin and Diet Dr. Pepper. New rule, no staying up past midnight watching Poroit, no matter how badly you want to see the culprit swing for his evil deeds. Now I can’t fully wake up and the parts that have managed to wake don’t feel so hot. They have Nyquil and Dayquil, what I need is Prequil – take it and it is as though the cold never happened. I wouldn’t care if it was the non-drowsy formula, at this point a little more drowsiness wouldn’t even be noticeable.

Fortunately for me, nothing really complex has come along, or I’d really be in trouble. I think all that is functioning at this point are basic life support functions, such as the “get into the bathroom now or suffer the consequences” kind of neuron impulses. Numb can be good, don’t get me wrong. Driving in Phoenix numb is a good thing. As I told the students in a tactics course I taught, relax, be happy, and don’t die tense. Sound advice.

Wx-wise it is a beautiful day. Sunshiny, bird chirpy, half-burned JP8 in the air kind of day. The office I live in is windowless airless and hot. Heating and air conditioning in gov’t buildings, when you have it, is strictly an on/off proposition. There is a thermostat on the wall, but its only function is to allow one the illusion that he or she has control of the situation. It is purely decorative. There are no windows so the best that can be done is run a fan to stir the stale air.

Hope everyone had a good weekend – it went by too fast for my taste, but then the not working times are always shorter and more enjoyable then the working times. I think we need to forget al the immigration and war talk in congress and focus on a shorter workweek and maybe mandatory siestas in the workplace - I know I could always do with a good nap after lunch…

Unabashed whining, you can skip this if you want...

Tough time of the season for me. It is Permanent Change of Station (PCS) time for the military. Military folks I work with are moving on leaving me behind. I had become used to moving every so often while in the military and it is tough for me being stuck in one spot. I will spend the next few weeks fighting the urge to leave for greener pastures. The advantage of the moving from one location after several years lies in the fact that every place one goes has some negative aspects. Before those negative aspects can become a real problem, one moves on. I, however, am permanently and indelibly stuck in Rauncho El Garbage where the problems are now my personal hell.

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At 1:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry, Dad. I'll make sure to put you in the nice home, which won't be in El Garbage.

At 3:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aaah, your unabashed whining has struck a nerve. i am a Navy brat who grew up up, but evidently didn't get clever. I also married a military guy. The longest we've lived anywhere is 4 years. We are post military now as well and I have noticed that I am getting antsy. We've been here three years and that feels about like time to move on out of here. Moving regularly does have its positives.
Weekends and naps...mmmmmmm

At 4:21 PM, Blogger Little Lamb said...

I like your kind of work week. A shorter work week, and while at work after lunch nap time. Run for president and make that your top priority and you'll get my vote!

At 5:15 PM, Blogger Mayden' s Voyage said...

Asprin Fizz!
OMgoodness! Be careful Phos!
with all that asprin, you'll be bleeding out~ ugh!
Is it a headache that's bothering you, or other kinds of pain?
:) already have a wife, and probably a Dr too~ lol!

The deer eat everything in my yard...but the grass is dead, so I think they are mostly after all the acorns and hickory nuts.
Want a fun weekend in NC- shooting deer with a bow and arrow?
Come on over! :)
It's not illegal as long as you don't discharge a firearm within the city limits (I am in the city limits- just barely).

I really do hope you get to feeling better. Try some Tylenol (unless you can't tolerate it) in between the Asprin shots...see if that doesn't help some. It would be a tad easier on the blood stream :)

Jeesh...I'm sorry! you can delete this if you want to- I'd understand.

At 6:08 PM, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

Anon: The home with tiny roaches and food?

Logo: Hi Thanks for stopping by. Odd how things become ingrained after a whil

Mayden: Thanks for the concern, but no worries, I was just having a little fun. I don't use aspirin very often though I do live on Diet Dr. pepper. I am sure that will kill me eventually, even without the aspirin.

Don't tempt me with the deer. Watch they don't girdle your trees while they browse.

At 7:22 PM, Blogger Dan said...

Hope everyone had a good weekend – it went by too fast for my taste

Isn't this, like, some kind of self-evident truth worldwide, across all cultures, religions and creeds?

At 11:35 AM, Blogger Dino said...

Siesta - I am all for naptime during the week. I could use one right now. I did get one yesterday but only because I had a nasty mirgrane and went home at 1pm

At 12:48 PM, Blogger Chickie said...

Well, at least you've been there long enough that you know what the negative aspects are and can plan for/around them accordingly. Or at least squinch your eyes shut when you see them coming around.

At 8:37 AM, Blogger Marie said...

I'm all for a Shorter Workweek too! So much that I founded People for a Shorter Workweek! See my blog for more information and details! Lots of great links and helpful information for anyone who wants to work less!

People for a Shorter Workweek
Work LESS, Play MORE, Enjoy LIFE!


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