Monday, September 11, 2006

Neolithic Tagging

In Search of Something

We have piles of rocks out here in the desert, lots of piles of rocks. Some of these piles are special be cause they were tagged by the local inhabitants before natural climatic changes made Arizona suck. Well, suck in a subsistence agriculture sense, the original inhabitants moseyed on, died off, or decided to flaunt their reservation status and start casinos. Still scalping the tourists after all these years. But that’s not the point. The point is the paleo-people scritched and scratched on some of the rocks out here. There have been volumes written as to why and what the natives were trying to say, but it is all guesses. Hell, archeologists are still trying to piece together what the cultures were like back then - with so little info how can you get inside their heads to find out what they were thinking, what motivated them, what their belief system (if any) was?

Vandalizing the boulders may have been a spiritual thing, or may have been recording actual events. There well may be a combination of reasons for re-decorating the local landscape.

Some would say the carvings portray visitors from space. Maybe, but if so the visitors didn’t hang about, whether they had an appointment to help the Egyptians with their pyramids, or maybe they were smart enough to see the direction earthlings were headed and didn’t want to leave any fingerprints on that train wreck, they left without a trace. Some out here even believe Jesus toured North America, so maybe they were depictions of his trip, but I suspect space visitors would be a more rational explanation.

I tend towards the spiritual thing. Life was tenuous at best during the dawn of man and humans always need an explanation for things. What better explanation for some new phenomena then a supreme sprit willed it, ergo all is well. Another reason I tend towards the spiritual is the Sioux practice of fasting on top of Bear butte for four days and nights on a vision quest. I was lucky enough to see drawings (on paper) done during some of these early quests and the figures in the drawings are very similar to the petroglyphs out here. Now take into account different people in different situation and an earlier time and I may be way off, but all since is, is best guess- heard that in a movie once.
I doubt we’ll ever have a definitive answer as to why the prehistoric public created the glyphs, they are interesting to look at and in a give a measure of immortality to the carvers.


At 7:31 PM, Blogger Keshi said...

**Some out here even believe Jesus toured North America, so maybe they were depictions of his trip, but I suspect space visitors would be a more rational explanation.

I think so too.


At 5:53 AM, Blogger CCCCppppCCppp said...

Honey, they were just blogging.

At 6:42 AM, Blogger Becky said...

I always wanted to be an archeologist.... But it's so much easier to just become a history channel buff.

At 4:28 PM, Blogger Cherry! said...

We have the same thing here. They say it's stories from the 'Dream Time'

At 8:05 PM, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

Good point, it probably was a blog...

At 12:49 AM, Blogger Die Muräne said...

Jesus didn't tour North America. In fact, he never left Switzerland so far.

At 8:24 AM, Blogger wallycrawler said...

It's the Morman's that believe that Jesus came to North America . They also believe in shunning , multible marriages and ugly clothes on women .

Did ya know that "Belladonna" was a Morman . She ran away when she was promised to a 65 years old man .

I guess I went off topic a bit ?

At 7:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just realized my previous comment didn't take???? Darn I can't remember what it was (should have written it on a rock)

At 7:43 AM, Blogger Sarah Letnes said...

Rocks were prehistoric doodle pads. The people who drew them were probably on the smoke signal phone and needed something to do while they were waiting for the other side to stop signaling.

Or may be they were waiting for Jesus to tour North America.

At 12:06 PM, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

DM: Ah yes die Schweiz, "god's biffy"

WC: Glad to see you are still kicking. I think the Feds are putting the fence on the wrong border - I think putting it up around Nevada might be a better idea.

Katy: That is where the old saying "written in stone” comes from?

SL: Good point, hope they didn’t get so caught up in chiseling that their biscuits were burning!!


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