Monday, April 16, 2007

Lunatic goes on a rampage at Virgina Tech

The Republicans deleted all the e-mail pertaining to the attorney general firings

More killed in Iraq

I really need someone to explain this loving father god shit to me again, because if we are his children, Child Protective Services needs to step in and take us away from him. And justice, show me where he's come down on wrongdoers. I think you have a better chance of receiving a kick in the ass from the tooth fairy.

Worse yet you get to hear the newsies shoot their mouths off. Particularly about the Virgina Tech massacre - there's a body count and every news jackal on the face of the earth is tearing at the carcasses. What have we become? I am truly saddened and ashamed to call myself a human being. Thank the god of humor for huskies. I actually do prefer their company.

The thought of all the young lives snuffed out for no reason whatsoever has made me so very sad. I feel even worse thinking about the families who raised them and sent them off to college or the service, only to have a promising future nipped before they even get out the gate. Crap, just crap.



At 9:56 PM, Blogger none said...

I agree and am still numb. What the hell is wrong with people?

At 1:22 AM, Blogger Kirsten N. Namskau said...

I am so tired of the curelty of humanity. It seems to me that they never get enough, never cruel enough. Is it a kind of competition in cruelty??

At 1:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i feel your pain, phos, but i think your blame is misplaced

consider that TWO TO THREE TIMES that number of men, women, children, babies are shot, burnt, and blown to bits EVERY DAY in iraq, thanks largely to a situation created by THE GOOD GUYS, THE WEST, while citizen WOLFOWITZ EATS CAVIAR OFF THE TITS OF HIS WHORE AT THE WORLD BANK...

it's almost enough to make a sane man wanna kill... but not students, and NOT GOD

an alternative plan, let the dead bury the dead, phos

rant out -- feel free to delete this


At 4:03 AM, Blogger caramaena said...

There's so much I don't understand about this world - this is just one of them.

At 6:02 AM, Blogger leelee said...

I think we look to God to make everything right as if he had some magical powers. If you believe in God then you may believe that we are made in his image. A God of Love. And yet many turn away from the love..Hate, racisim, intolerance, war, violence Greed, etc... We keep forgetting that we were born with the gift of free will and the brains to figure out the difference between right and wrong. That is what makes us different from other animals isn't it?
Seems some do not bother to take the time or energy to do that.

Some days I wonder how long it will be before we just go extinct. We don't seem to be doing such a great job of living in harmony with each other or our planet.

God is not the problem..people are.

My heart is heavy heart has been heavy since March 2003...all I can do it seems is to try to live a life that reflects the goodness I know is there. The love, forgiveness and tolerance that we were all born with....even in the saddest times.

What can I do today that will make the world a better place?


At 6:22 AM, Blogger Dino said...

those things are actually the reason why I continue to be an atheist. I was raised one and have looked into different religions but besides pagan and Buddhism's they are all to violent and have to many hypocrites in them.

At 6:36 AM, Blogger Fuff said...

Furry creatures are far nicer. I have almost lost my faith in the human race entirely. Such a waste of life.

At 6:37 AM, Blogger leelee said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 6:43 AM, Blogger leelee said...

religion is external....folks might want to take the time to really listen to what is in their hearts..all the answers are there, we were born with them.

I was raised in the Unitarian Church..and was educated in many of the religions and philosophies of the world...with LOVE common denominator..I believe in God, but not religion.

At 7:48 AM, Blogger Is it sync'd yet? said...


I actully said yesterday when I got your thank you card "Phos single handedly restored my faith in humanity with that card.".

I was having a bad day, card hit me in just the right spot. Made me want to hold anouther contest as soon as the shed is done.



At 2:33 PM, Blogger tkkerouac said...


At 6:49 PM, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

Well, nothing to be done about it after all. Just put your head down and press. As far as God, Boyle (of Boyle's Law fame) said he worshiped god because it cost him nothing and was good insurance in case god did exist (roughly paraphrased).

AS I said, I think we are on our own so it behooves us to take good care of each other and respect life in general. I also learned /t. doesn't think much of Wolfowitz. I guess the terrorists get virgins and Wolfowitz gets a hooker. My money is on experience every time... I don't like any of the neocons myself...

At 12:00 PM, Blogger Sarah Letnes said...

I think your Moses shall have been a fool.

--Yul Brynner

At 2:27 PM, Blogger KB said...

If you believe in the Bible, First John 5:19 says "We know we originate from God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one" - in other words, God is not ruling the world anymore, he is letting Satan try to do it! Of course it ain't working......

All part of a greater plan so that everyone knows it can't be ruled by anyone except God......he WILL step in once that is so clear that there can be no mistake......

That's what SOME believe anyway.....and that might help explain a few things......


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