Saturday, February 10, 2007

Phos Disrespects the Dead

Well she’s dead and the news is all over it day in and day out, giving the great unwashed multitudes the up to the minute coverage they hunger for. Thousands are dying all over the world for noble causes, by the hands of oppressors, or disease and want, but she is the most important topic of the. My opinion, it is nice to see Natural Selection still works, albeit way too slowly. They are going to have to call in a HAZMAT team to bury her silicone/drug riddle body.

The reason she is in the news because Johnny Nascar and his lovely sister/wife Tanqueray can’t get enough of the star’s and sports heroes’ daily lives, never realizing they have been taken - they have chipped in their hard earned money to make these people what they are, even if indirectly. Politicians know Jonny and his severely inbred wife will vote for them if they have the nod from the screen actor’s guild.

That’s why I haven’t used any names here – I am tired of paying homage to a bunch of spoiled drug riddled skanks. So maybe it is time to stop buying Trim Spa, or going to see Mission Impossible movies or at the very least take a look at the amount you just shelled out to watch some thugs chase a ball around a field and stop the insanity.

Here’s the part where I hope Sir Elton Candypants doesn’t trot “Candle in the Wind” back out again…



At 1:35 PM, Blogger Chickie said...

Well said, Phos!

At 4:35 PM, Blogger Little Lamb said...

You are entititled to your opinion. And you happen to be right.

At 4:35 PM, Blogger Dan said...

Did somebody die? So sad.

At 6:17 PM, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

chickie:Thanks. Just tired of having to listen to it. There should be a bounty on all news anchors.

LL: Tahnks LL, nic eot see you again.

Dan: Sad s having to hear about her death and the mess she left behind, all of her own making, every time the news comes on.

LP11: Burial at sea ins't an option, dropping her in any bay would kill off sea life in a 40 square mile area. Green Peace wouldn't sit still for that!!

At 6:21 PM, Blogger Dr.Alistair said...


anyway, the crazy woman is out of her misery now........

when we invade iran her story will be dropped.

At 8:41 PM, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

Dr. A: Now if she was only out of our misery...

At 9:48 PM, Blogger concerned citizen said...

You are so cynical phos!

At 10:12 PM, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

l>t: Thanks, it is nice to be noticed! Pick up any cool souvenirs on your trip??

At 10:54 PM, Blogger Dino said...

Phos I thing LP11 was referencing a couple other idiots the media can't get enought of

I am sick of all of them and think they should use the money spent on this shit to feed the poor and the time to cover true heros - like our boys and girls in uniform that spend their days in hell so people can watch these idiots kill themselves.

At 2:27 AM, Blogger Die Muräne said...

Good post Phos! But nothing against watching some thugs chase a ball around a field ;)

At 9:11 AM, Blogger Mayden' s Voyage said...

I've almost given up on TV- and definitely the Networks.
I haven't watched an Emmy, or Grammy, or Miss America in years- it's all so stupid.

Anyway- hubby is a huge fan of the "Police"- who are going to perform on the Grammys tonight...and I said, "Ewww- we aren't going to watch that!" He laughed and said, "No, I'll record it so we can fast forward to their perfomance!" LOL-

It's our fault that Hollywood has become the beast that it is...we need to stop feeding it.
And I will never buy a bottle of Trim Spa, Phos, I promise you :)

At 5:10 PM, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

DAK/LP11: I was on the ball as usual - I get it now. Mrs. Phos is right, I am slow!! Thanks!

DM:You Euros and your soccer. I had a Belgian friend who was insane about Ajax and had me watch the game with him. Fortunately there was plenty of beer, because the game sucked.

Mayden: You don't need Trim Spa, you look fine. If it wasn't for the SciFi channel I would so cnx the TV.

At 1:32 PM, Blogger Sarah Letnes said...

They aren't thugs. They're highly trained, steroid-pumped athletes.

I always pray that the American media is out of touch with the pulse of America.

I love the BBC news. So calming, so chock-full of news.


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