More Ruminations from the Tiny House
Wx Report
More clouds today but no rain yet. I was hoping to get a little help from Mother Nature and not have to run the sprinkler, but the oleanders ain’t lookin’ so hot. I never thought I would be in a place where you had to worry about plants in the winter, much less see any. If you travel to Eternally Curious’s page you will see pictures of the evil white stuff. We do get snow in Arizona, but it is up in the mountains where I don’t have to bother with it and if I get the insane notion to see snow I can look to the North and say, “Yep, that’s snow all right”. There are folks that view snow as some sort of playground and they are welcome to my share, though I am not sure I appreciate people skiing on something I will be drinking next summer.
The Environment
Arizona has come up with a solution for the pollution. You hope that the wind picks up and blows it out of the valley. That is their only fix for the problem. It is funny how people here complain about the “brown cloud” in one breath and then whine for more freeways in the next – even our governor, a democrat, has taken the same stand. I probably harp on AZ being the stupidest state too much, but I think the fact that even the governor doesn’t see the connection between the freeways and the brown cloud makes a case for the organization that gave us the gold for stupid. It is all about the money, unfortunately, so the government is going to give lip service to the problem and the builders and developers are going to continue their rape, pillage, and plunder.
We just finished with the congressional/senate crap and now we are starting on the Presidential race. It is no wonder few vote – people just get tired of the continuous campaign noise. I have a fix.
- Every politician gets a two year term – no more, no less, from President to the dude that makes the coffee for senate hearings.
- No friends, relatives, or supporters may be appointed to any position in the government. All must take an exam and provide a resume showing their qualifications for the position they are applying for. This way you don’t wind up with horse racing touts as FEMA directors and ambassadors that can’t speak the language of the country to which they are posted.
- They have to have served the country in some other capacity, given something of themselves for their country to demonstrate they have a stake in the country beyond filling their (or their cronies) pockets.
- Each candidate will be given two hours of TV time to explain his or her position. That is it for campaigning. The continuous shoveling of shit will no longer be allowed. Along with this if they are caught lying about their qualifications or make any promises that aren’t kept they automatically recieve 10 years hard time in the Federal pen (the pound 'em in ass kind, not "Camp Cupcake").
- No candidate may spend more the $500 on campaigning. I had heard that the money put into campaigning for this next presidential race will top the 1 billion dollar mark for the first time. I think that money could be spent more wisely. Also it will give the little guy who hasn’t sold his soul to some corporation or foreign government an honest shot at the job.
- If they fail to represent their constituents, they may be fired by the citizens and deported.
- No more lobbying, period dot. Anyone caught attempting to influence any politician along with any office holder accepting gratuities will dropped from the top of the Washington Monument.
Crap, the post is way too long and no one will read it…
So you don't miss snow. Either do I. I don't miss the cold weather either. Where were you before Arizona?
LL:I was in the Air Force so moved all over - I am originally from Wisconsin...
In the Air Force growing up or as an adult or both?
/t.: Actually "The Mountain" is in Colorado and they've pretty much closed that up. Time to watch Dr. Strangelove again...
LL:Raised in Wisconsin and enlisted in '76. In fact, the outfit I am wearing in my avatar was courtesy of your tax dollars, kept me safe and snug from nasty chemicals.
Glad you were safe and snug...
just stopping by to say hello-
And Thank You!
At least we haven't wasted ALL our tax dollars. My uncle is retired Air Force. He and his family moved A LOT
I like the way you think Phosgene Kid..
Interesting blog
Yep Career politicians are the bane of our existence. Time to derail the gravy train.
evil white stuff? WHAT???? I want snow its not evil its pretty
DAK Sounds like someone who hasn't had to shovel or drive in snow in a while... Trust me, it is cold wet and evil... Now clear sunny skies and temps in the 80s are paradise!!
LP11: Those store cameras never sleep.
I think another method of fixing our country would be to put a bounty on lawyers. Start at a $1K per left ear.
My bro was sadden by the rapidly disappearing snow, but then he was always a bit unbalanced.
we have been having the nicest sunniest winter i can remember but then i'm getting old and i might just have forgotten - no snow so far - hurray!
FS Hope your winter stays temperate! Happy Christmas FS!!
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