Thursday, April 06, 2006

Two Big Scandals

Two big scandals broke just recently.  Apparently Jesus gave the ok for Judas to out him, and Bush gave the ok to out the CIA operative.  I apologize for using Jesus and Bush in the same sentence. Jesus needed that event to happen, legend has it, so Christians could have a holiday during the Passover season too.  Bush was just being a spiteful asshole.  I was in the Intelligence community and it was always the mark of a poor commander that blamed his shortcomings and schemes gone wrong on Intel.


At 4:05 AM, Blogger nanuk said...

Betrayal being the common theme, eh?

At 6:05 AM, Blogger Becky said...

Okay so I put up a pic that is hopefully less dissapointing than my last post for you! :-P

At 11:56 AM, Blogger Sarah Letnes said...

You're going to make me go to Google News and figure this out for myself?

Links, Phos, links. Where are the links?

At 12:30 AM, Blogger crallspace said...

Strange times... good observation.

I am actually interested to see what Judas had to say.

At 9:45 AM, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

Maybe Scooter Libby will share an Insight into the Judas caper too.

At 1:04 PM, Blogger Cheshire Cat said...

Here you go, Sarah:

Long-lost gospel of Judas recasts 'traitor'

New Twist in CIA Leak Probe

For President, First a Leak; Now, a Jam

At 8:31 PM, Blogger Amy said...

Scooter Libby... I mean really.. ?Scooter Libby? -

oh, heavy... heavy sigh...


At 3:21 AM, Blogger Mummified said...

Yep. Don't believe the hype. Judas still a bad bloke, Bush - well, I am not American so will reserve comment. No dammit, will not - - if he did do it - shame, shame, shame....

At 11:38 AM, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

I always thought Judas got a bad rap. The only problem is Judas wrote the "gospel" that said he was told by Jesus to do the dirty deed. That's like an Enron Executive telling the papers it wans't his fault.

At 10:04 AM, Blogger Cheshire Cat said...

Well, you know, Benedict Arnold got the 'traitor' label sort of removed several years ago. I remember some new biography had come out, based on his letters and such...


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