Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Piss Me Offs

There are many disturbing things in the world and I have a habit of allowing many of those things to upset me, hence the prohibition against me watching the weather jackass on TV. I know I shouldn’t get teed off, but that is just the way I am wired.

I am taking a big chance writing this. I saw a post on one of the Blogs I regularly read and the poster said he hated Blogs created by “Self-absorbed assholes”. I expect he figures everyone should be doing a “come to jesus” or some political fist pounding, but a Blog, or Weblog is simply a journal. You can certainly preach the gospel or let everyone know that the shit head you are backing for office isn’t as big a shit head as their shit head. Moreover, it is a forum to explore your feelings so you have a perfect right to be a self-absorbed asshole, just as the Jesus-Nazis and political Gestapo can vent. Here is a tip for all you big activists out there – unless you are attending their $5000 a plate fundraisers, Congressman Graft and Senator Dippedhiswick could give a shit what you think. If you believe your congressional representative is interested in your personal views or that even the boy next-door has a shot at becoming president you are mentally ill and should seek help immediately. (Note: The aforementioned senators or congressmen could belong to either party)

Some things confuse me a bit as well. The developers and builders are going full bore here in Arizona. They are building more homes and more malls, all of which use water. I also noticed all the water parks and pools seem to be open and many of the parks have small ponds. There is even a mall with an artificial waterfront. In the news today there was an item about how we are now in a red alert for drought. The part I need explained is that if water is so scarce (it is the desert, after all) then why is a state government that issues a “red alert warning” allowing developers and builders to continue and the frivolous use of water by municipalities? I actually know the reason – developers are big contributors to campaign funds. Senator Grabsitall isn’t going to bite the hand that feeds the kitty.

Another confusing thing that came out of a politician’s mouth is that he voted against the bill to protect landowners from eminent domain because he feared it would jeopardize Luke Air Force base. The eminent domain law allows governments to grab private land to hand to developers so they may rape, pillage, and plunder to their heart’s content. So how is voting against a bill to keep local governments from grabbing your land going to protect the base? It seems like now any city could now grab private land around the base and allow developers to build, thereby encroaching on the base.

Those are just a few things that baffle me. Now the weather jackass, he just totally pisses me off. I am terribly sorry if this was all too self-absorbed…

Now the picture above I find both disturbing and annoying. I blame the Disney whore factory for my misery in this case. The statue is supposed to be pro-life, but considering who the statue is of I think it has backfired. In fact I think it may lead to a resurgence of leaving babies out in the forest for the wolves.


At 5:44 PM, Blogger Chickie said...

I saw a picture of that statue yesterday and just the thought of it's disturbing. Supposedly, from the back end, you can see that baby's head crowning.

At 6:02 PM, Blogger Cheshire Cat said...

Um, ew, to the sculpture.

As to the rest, I concur. Preach on, brotha!

At 6:29 PM, Blogger KyuBall said...

Take away the pregnant belly, and this statue is pretty hot. Never mind, leave the belly, that makes it kinky.

At 11:08 PM, Blogger Die Muräne said...

yeah, this statue has really no esprit, as we French say ;)

At 2:39 AM, Blogger Mummified said...

Oh I know, I know. They had this in the paper here too. Is there no end to the tripe that BS is responsible for. Notice that BS are the initials of her name and BS also means -well you work it out.

At 4:40 AM, Blogger Die Muräne said...

Blow...Shop?? lol

At 4:50 AM, Blogger FooDcrazEE said...

u N shredded monkey the same person ?

At 5:10 AM, Blogger nanuk said...

Some broad with one in the oven stroking my decapitated head is VERY angst-provoking.

At 10:50 AM, Blogger Becky said...

Fuck that, your blog is your blog to yammer on about whatever you please too!

At 2:23 PM, Blogger Sarah Letnes said...

Yeah, what is with the bearskin rug? The statue’s pro-life statement, doesn't cover bears?

Get PETA on the phone. I think we can distract pro-lifers and militant vegans for a while by pitting them against each other.

At 3:22 PM, Blogger Fuff said...

Well said. Your blog is your own space to say what you like.

At 5:11 PM, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

Secret's out I am the Shredded Monkey. The munitions the monkey is holding probably gave it away.

Nanuk, I know it is cold and lonely up there but you'd have less chance of catching something terminal cozying up to a seal than Ol' Brit. Liek Austen Powers said - she's the village bicycle..

At 2:09 AM, Blogger Mummified said...

I have finally worked it out. the way to get folk on the far left who think they know everything and should therefore dictate what we write on our blogs is to get them to deal with folk on the far right who also think they know everything. Then maybe the rest of us can just get on with things...


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