You Ain't Gonna Win Tex...
I see more and more shite about how crappy Bush is, how terrible the US is, etc. – here is a quick summation of things for you out of towners and anyone wearing a cowboy hat on a regular basis…
- Clintons are assholes
- Bush is an asshole
- McCain is an asshole
- Most politicians are assholes, but they are the rich and here money rules, that’s how capitalism works
- if you think most politicians actually care about anything beyond lining their pockets you are an asshole, and a stupid one at that. If you think they give a shit what you the poor and downtrodden think (unless you are part of a loud group generally oppressed by "the man", especially while the git is campaigning) you are a severely retarded asshole
- The American people don’t choose their president - that decision rests with the Electoral College. Even so, big business, vocal minorities, and foreign interests have so skewed the election and campaign process that I don’t think it will ever be fixed – though elections in Chicago most certainly are.
- The elections for president have been so close the last few times because both assholes are the same, there is no real choice.
- You may vote for the president, but you have no say in his posse, usually his cronies. They are the ones that do the real damage without fear of any penalties.
- Burn the politicians in effigy if you like, but leave the flag the fuck alone.
Get it?
Yep. No problem. Flag burning, a great way to rally the party (of your choice) to be wary of their demon neighbors. Cheers to Tribalism!
I prefer to think of myself as a delusional optimist, thank you very much.
Almost forgot - the middle class is melting away as fast as the ice caps...
*raising hand timidly*
Um, you forgot to mention Florida and Ohio as the bastions of proper voting etiquette...
T&B: You are right. The voting has become a joke. The first states to vote seem to be the obnly ones that count, then Media decides it is time for them to decide the election. I wonder how many voters just figure it is a doen deal and stay home. Florida is below the Mason Dixon. Little known fact - the IQ per capita takes a really sharp dip when you go south of that line.
I Luv the way U said this:
Burn the politicians in effigy if you like, but leave the flag the fuck alone!!!
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