Monday, February 27, 2006

The House of Mud

The local Indians have figured out a new way to leverage their heritage by establishing a casino in an apparent attempt to consecrate one of their ancient sites. Despite the renewed attempt to scalp White-Eyes, this time at the black-jack tables, the area is very interesting. Scrape away the third rate Elvis impersonator and you will find “Montezuma’s Castle”. Though there may well have been trade between the Central American Indians and local tribes it is doubtful Montezuma gave this are a second thought, much less built a castle here. Rather, it was a pueblo established by local tribes for protection. The area is beautiful with a creek near by. Considering the desert lies not more than a few miles down I-17, this was like paradise back then. The original inhabitants moved on for whatever reason long ago, leaving this monument to their civilization.

It is too bad that many of the interesting archeological sites have seen encroachment from developers – such as housing abutting White Tanks and the Deer valley Rock Art Center, and that the state and tribes are callous enough to allow this to go on. I guess it just goes to prove money talks and if we have to pave over the past to make lots of it, so be it.


At 9:43 AM, Blogger crallspace said...

I would bet that ppl in the tribes who don't want the takeover really can't do anything. Some asshole federal lawyer comes in, talking about stipulations, land use, federal law, and other legal mumbo jumbo and really doesn't leave any room for debate.

I'm beginning to hate the white man too.

At 10:34 AM, Blogger Sarah Letnes said...

I can't wait for them to build an airport or super huge mall/temple to the god of Capitalism on the tribal land near my community. If you drive by you can hear the land developers drooling.

At 6:33 PM, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

The house of mud is cool anyway. There's really alot to see out here all the way from Indian history to a civil war battle where a Confederate patrol met up with some Union troops North of Tucson.

Beyond the historic sights the state is downright beautful. I'll try to post some more pictures and not express any opinions on how the developers are screwing the place up. Redrocks State Park is a good example were million dollar homes have cropped up in the middle of the wildlife sanctuary.


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