Monday, December 12, 2005

Ode to The HOA

Ode to The HOA

We have a Home Owner’s Association or HOA as they are known - the "A" may really be for asshole ratyher than association. It is a near useless organization of busybodies who have determined that it is their lot in life to stick there huge noses into everyone else’s business. I guess it is kind of a power trip being able to fine people for hanging out Marine Corps flags and then citing the “C,J,&Rs”, basically a bunch of crap thrust upon the new home buyers by the builder so they don’t do anything that might ruin the builder’s scam, when they fine the person for not removing the flag. In common parlance they are Assholes. They are big dripping crusty Assholes, in fact.

As old as I am I do not believe I need a committee to tell me how to manage my property (nor the property management company that seems to come along with the HOA as yet another unwanted parasite). The City I live in has codes, and zoning, and laws, so I do not need some bunch of fascist fucks telling me I can’t park in front of my own house. Especially because there is no where for guests to park, the builder made the roads narrow and left no parking lots in order to squeeze every penny out of the land. Hell, it’s not their problem; they tack up their chicken wire and bird-shit shacks and are off to rape new land and reel in new suckers. Its all about the money.

Anyway I think it is time for residents to say enough and push to have the HOAs outlawed. It would be great if we could find the Nosey Nosertons a new hobby, aside from trying to rule the known world.


At 9:45 PM, Blogger KyuBall said...

HOA's are a two edged sword. They keep the Clampitts from hanging engine blocks from their front porches, but also keep you from putting up a fence to keep the ankle biters next door from putting rocks in your bird feeder.

"A person is smart, people are dumb."

At 4:00 PM, Blogger Sarah Letnes said...

What's the deal with my HOA telling me what colors of granite I have to put in my front yard? It makes me want to hang red curtains in my front windows, and I don't even like red.


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