The Elusive Quail
Yeah, not a great picture. But you try stalking a couple quail through a parking lot in the Phosmobile and see how it works for you. I did think about stopping and getting out, but figured that would generate enough ruckus to scare my quarry off, so I found myself rolling quietly (as quietly as a Honda Element can roll anyway) around the parking lot after two quail. Did I mention they didn't appear to be in the mood to have their picture taken? I just hope no one was watching as I tried to corner the ravening beasts. Well, they weren't ravening I don't think quail can, but it makes it sound more exciting.
phos - the fearsome stalker of hapless quail ..
I like pictures of birds.
I admire birds for pulling it off - you know of actually getting airborn by their own muscle strength - that is really quite something and the way they soar and navigate... they truely are a great inspiration.
But apart from that I have to admid, I don't fancy them too much. frankly, they're pretty noisy out in our fruit garden, steal all the best cherries and berries and you can't even eat them without feeling terribly sorry for them...
and when it comes to brain capacity and the ability to come up with a sensible thought... well it's not for no reason that Richard Bach has featured all the seagulls as even more stupid than humans and only Jonathan as the enlightened hero... there really isn't too much space for a brain in those tiny heads and they act on a very low level of survival, almost only by instinct and pretty much effect to anything, but most of all the flok...
however, it's an interesting picture that you took, nice contrast of colors, almost complimentary...
I used to be a big bird watcher, knew all the names and could ID them frojust sort them by taste.
I dunno. I heard that yon quail had conversations with the prairie dogs, and, had you stepped out of your car and walked towards them...perhaps when they saw who you were?
They would be laughing....
I only mean that in a complimentary way, too.
I see your weapon of choice being your new 'toy' as it were. This, I think, is where the 1000mm would come in use.
Probably have to stop and let the birds move further out (farther?) so you could get more than a picture of feathers.
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