Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Big Lie: Random Less than Sane Rant

Ever feel lied to, short changed, or neglected by the "system?" There's a good reason for that - it is run by people that could give a damn about you and I. The elite control us through religion, government regulation and only feed us what they want us to hear. Sound as though I am spouting '70s paranoia? Listen to the candidates as they pander to each group for votes, and their slight of hand is just the tip of the iceberg. Watch as big corporations merge and our choices, few as they are, dwindle.

Bush made an interesting comment on how countries of the Mideast have a stake in how things fall out in Iraq. My question is then why aren't Saudi troops in there and why won't they increase oil production for us? Are they a grasping ungracious unwashed two-faced people that leave the dirty work to foreigners while they sit on their indolent asses eating figs and praising allah? My answer is to pull our folks out and let the Saudi royal family take responsibility for their own region. The terrorists will topple them long before they set their sights on us and the world would be well rid of them. We are wasting the best of our young people to bail the thieves out and keep them in power.

Finally if the elite and corporate America really wanted us to be energy independent it would have already happened. And what the hell is the "clean coal" the big coal companies keep yakking about on TV supposed to be??


At 10:43 PM, Blogger How do we know said...

Phos, I LOVE you for this post. Rings truer than a lot of other things happening around us.

At 11:28 PM, Blogger Pink said...

I don't know what clean coal is...but if its meant to be based on carbon capture and storage...we are miles away from the technology to do that right now.

I think its the citizens that are going to have to get good and pissed off and agitate to get this world off of fossil fuels. We have the capacity to decrease emissions in many ways but we haven't forced the technology...and people aren't making the choices for cleaner living because - well - I think the media is confusing the issue. Who owns the media? Yep. Back to the good ol' corporations again.

I heard someone who is a UK activist call us Agravists because we've become angry yay Phos! Be an agravist!


At 11:52 PM, Blogger Joanna Cake said...

It's all about money. Money for the companies that make weapons. Money for the oil people that use the unrest as a reason to raise the price of crude. Money for the politicians who manipulate circumstances to benefit the companies upon whose boards they sit.

At 3:30 AM, Blogger Indigo said...

Yeah... clean coal is a crock. It really should be called "slightly less polluting coal" but they won't tell the truth. And while the Ford Focus gets 27 MPG in the USA, the same damned car gets 52 MPG in England. Why? Because the put a more efficient engine/transmission in THAT version and won't allow it to be sold here.

The American people have been screaming for a smaller and more efficient government since the 1970s and not one single administration has delivered on that request.

The Iraq war has always been about Bush rewarding his favorite corporations with fat, no-bid contracts in Iraq.

And why the hell won't Bush allow dead Wiccan soldiers to be buried in Arlington?

At 3:46 AM, Blogger Sister Copinherhair said...

"Ever feel lied to, short changed, or neglected by the 'system?'"

Ha! Does a flirty police officer who forgot to tell me about his girlfriend count?

No, seriously, you are right on. If they really wanted us to not be dependent on other countries for fuel, we would already own two smart cars per family.

At 6:56 AM, Blogger Little Lamb said...

Good points, Phos. I don't have the answers.

At 8:27 AM, Blogger Gnomeself Be True said...

The Saudis aren't helping because they are not our friends. They're helping themselves.
High gas prices, slow economy. They make a mint and buy up US companies. They want to win the long term global war before they run out of liquid dinasaurs to sell.
Looks like they will too.

At 10:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree
with all here, phos

but i have a different thought
about "...pull our folks out and let the Saudi royal family take responsibility..." -- it weren't the saudis that rushed right in all crock and awe like with a promise to not abandon the people 'this time', so why now should they or anyone else pay for your asshat leaders' errors?

and how many atomic bombs you holding down there these days? 10,000 or more? but you can't use even one, eh? if you could, bhagdad would be a glowing hole in the ground and the war would have been over within an hour -- all iraq has done is show the world that america is weak and vulnerable -- that's BAD BAD news for all of us.

just my opinion


At 3:58 PM, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

We shouldn't have gone in, true. The deed is done the region destabilized beyond repair, I think. We've wasted more than enough of our young folks blood on that shit hole and we should just pull out and Iraq be damned. If a Democrat wins we'll pull out sooner or later, so the great sheikdom is in for a good reaming. Better hope all our gov'ts are working hard on alternate fuels because once the terrorist get their hand son all that oil they are going to want concessions that'll be pretty tough to swallow.

The other thing is how Bush yaks about democracy and then applies it randomly to the middle east. Don't see him trying to convert his royal camel humping friends to democracy...

At 8:37 AM, Blogger h said...

These sorts of posts and comments kill me. The democrats control 4 of the 5 branches of Government and it's all Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush.

Media Branch of Government lying scumbags? BUSH DID IT!

Bureaucracy out of control, dictatorial, wasteful and unresponsive? BUSH DID IT!

Congress wasting money on outdated ineffective stupid programs? BUSH DID IT!

Judges making insane and expensive rulings with zero regard for the Constitution? BUSH DID IT!

Newsflash Slogan-Chanters! A lame-duck President with 30% approval ratings and tenous control over ONE branch of Government isn't all powerful.

As for "anti-war", where were you people when Clinton carpet-bombed Christian Serbian Civilians to the benefit of Al Queda aligned illegal albanian muslib immmigrants?

Guess it's a "good war" if the enemy is defenseless.

At 2:45 PM, Blogger Sarah Letnes said...

As far as I can tell "clean coal" means “desperate marketing ploy to confuse the public about the dangers of extracting and using coal.”

And I wouldn’t go so far as to say that the U.S. government isn’t full of a bunch of shiftless, self-promoting, nose pickers, but, I think you give them too much credit for colluding to destroy democracy and the environment.

They just aren’t that organized.


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