No Plain in Spain, No Rain, I Guess...

The tease goes on, many clouds but no rain, at least none in El Garbage. I did get to drive through a dust devil on the way home, though. That was an enchanting experience – no matter how tight you have the windows rolled up, the whirlwind is able to inject dust into your car. The first time I had one hit me was just outside Baker, CA. There’s a nice dry wash on both sides of the highway and the dust devil came at me from the South. It was a monster and I thought it was going to scour the paint off the car. In fact, after having lived in Victorville, Ca for several years the paint on the front of the hood was stripped off and my windshield sparkled if the sun hit it just right – it had been pitted by the sand grains.
I was meaning to comment all this time, but you see, i was even too lazy to update my own blog.
so yeah, how are you doing?
May the rains go down Kiddo's way..
We got lucky (or unlucky?) yesterday. Torrential rain & hail storms. Dropped down 20 degrees to 80 but lots of hail damage in the area.
David still doesn't believe me about the bad hail storms we can get...damned if he didn't go OUTSIDE yesterday when it started smashing down! Don't guys ever listen to us? phos...PHOS....I'm talking to you!
FP: Doing fine, thanks for stopping by!! Hope things are going well up North!
Keshi: Always a pleasure, thanks for the rain wish!
Jin: Huh? Sorry wasn't listening...
So how much rainfall do you guys actually get there in
a. The summer?
b. The entire year?
Just out of interest....
Dust devils are something else! Do you get the massive tumbleweeds with them, like we do here?
Cherry!: According to the rainfall chart I found we could expect 5 to 10” of rain a year, however we have been in a severe drought the past several years – we didn’t see much rain at all this “winter” - worse they didn’t get much snow pack in the North around Flagstaff, which is the major source our drinking water. If you are interested check out - the site has the climate outlook for AZ.
EC: I haven’t seen as many tumbleweeds here as we had In New Mexico. I had several VW sized monsters blowing across the street in front of my car. To be fair it was more open in NM and there seemed to be more brush.
"Dust Devil" - what an ugly name for a nice warm breeze!
Is that thunder I hear in the distance or is it just your tummy rumbling?
Actually, It sounds like phos may have finally tried a soy product!!! ;-)
Teehee ... if Phos did try a soy product, I'm certain even die murane would be able to hear his tummy grumbling!!
Strangest thing: I just researched dust devils about an hour ago on Wikipedia. There is an amazing gif animation of a dust devil on Mars. Come to think about it, most of Arizona looks like Mars.
Rain angels came ur way?
DM: It is just a thermal that picks up dust and junk and moves along the ground. They are too weak to do any damage, other than filling your car with dust!
FS: Hi!! Glad to see you got a bit of a respite – I admire your dedication. My stomach has stopped rumbling after my stint in the hospital, thank goodness! If you want the thunder you’ll have to wait for refried bean night!!
Jin: I have eaten soy in Chinese food – the tofu and soy sauce. I also eat edamame from time to time.
EC: Nope, no ill effects from soy. Oddly enough Ms. Phos is the one that told me to back away from the tofu while shopping. I don’t mind it; just don’t see the point in being a grazer when animal protein is so tasty.
Nanuk: If Mars is like Arizona then there is life on Mars – hillbillies.
Keshi: No rain angles, faeries, or other mythical magical purveyors of precipitation.
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