Thursday, May 25, 2006

This Ain't Exactly a Round of Jeopardy!

Here’s one for all you quiz lovers, and apparently there are many of you from what I have seen on other Blogs. This quiz answers the unasked question - how stupid am I? It is an easy quiz, only one question and all you have to do is pick an answer, just one step up from “True or False"…

What do you do when you take time off from work?
a. Go out on the town
b. Run off to exotic places
c. Stay home and clean the F**king house
d. Sit on the couch watching American Idol and sniffing nail polish remover

If you answered a, bravo, you have half a brain in your noggin

If you answered b you are Einstein smart and please, for the love of whatever god you believe in, take me with you

If you answered c, you are a completed dumb F**k just like me. I recommend a good solid blow the head with the biggest hammer you can lay your hands on

If you answered D, lay off the TV and polish remover or you won’t have any brains left and wind up staying home cleaning the F**king house.


At 3:54 PM, Blogger Sarah Letnes said...

There's nothing wrong with keeping house. Ya slob.

At 4:38 PM, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

There is when you take a day off to do it, ya idjyit!!

At 5:42 PM, Blogger Pat said...

We're supposed to clean them???? W-h-y? They'll just get dirty again, won't they???

At 8:16 PM, Blogger wallycrawler said...

Wa da fuck are ya do'n at home ? Strip bars on days off ! You'll never be white trash if ya don't try Kid !

And watch'n "American Idol" is kind'a fem !

At 8:23 PM, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

WallY; Where we're livin' I thinkt he White trash part is pretty well covered - ahven't jakced up teh Ol' Element and slapped on those super-swamper tires yet, but give me time.

Rabbit: Yeah, hire someone, then just as I am about to be appointed to an important cabinet post (secretary of Trailer homes or something) and the Senate committe finds out the beotch I hired was an illeagal. No thanks!

EC: I am this close to tossing a grenade in and moving back to Wisconsin - Dirk the Feeble has the best idea, just get a new house.

At 8:25 PM, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

Wow looked back at my last post, what a F**Kin' Mess. Well, never said I could type but should get off my lazy ass and spell check, eh?

At 9:08 PM, Blogger jin said...

LMAO!!! I like eternally curious' response. It would be different if you cleaned, then you were done. But, doesn't work that way, so why do it in the first place?!

I have an aunt who married money. She has been quoted as saying she never cared about love, just lots of money. My mom was talking to her one day & mentioned she had cleaned the inside of the fridge. My aunt replied why would you do that? Well, food spills in it, it gets dirty & smelly, don't you clean yours? My aunt(she has an annoying stuffy snooty jewish monotone type accent) - "Whell, hell no! I chust go & purchase a new whon!"

At 9:11 PM, Blogger Keshi said...

what happens if I couldnt find the answer that suited me in those 4 answers? :)


At 10:07 PM, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

Keshi: Didn't think this crew was ready for "fill in the blank" - I'll keep that in mind next time!

Jin: Be nice to that Aunt, maybe you'll get her old refrigerator...

At 4:07 AM, Blogger Cherry! said...

I'd go out on the town in an exotic place. Who *SHUDDER* cleans????

At 6:52 AM, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

Cherry: You are already living in an exotic place - noticed anyone doing any cleaning?

At 12:23 PM, Blogger Timmy said...

What's this "take time off work" you speak of?

At 8:13 PM, Blogger Cheshire Cat said...

None of the above.

Do I get a prize?

At 8:43 PM, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

Timmy: They let me stay home from time to time, it increases their life expectancy dramatically.

Tea and Books: Should send you the test taking clinic. Making up your own answers just cheeses the the person who made the quiz off, then they have to take a break before they snap.

At 12:47 AM, Blogger Cheshire Cat said...

But I wasn't making up an answer; I was telling the truth!

Did you take my poll on my sidebar?

At 11:16 AM, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

T&B: There was one??

There's so much stuff going on at the top of your page these tired old eyes can't take it all in - I will go on back and check out your pole, and your hungarian, if you like.

At 1:58 PM, Blogger Cheshire Cat said...


The breast cancer and literacy posts will be moving at the end of the month. The Darfur one will be staying.

The poll is on my right sidebar. You can't miss it as it's very long.

I'm ignoring the pole, unless more grafitti appears. The Hungarian will have to fend for himself.

At 2:12 AM, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

I actually prefer surveys to polls - in some you can add "Other".


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