I heard that
Over the years I have become very hard of hearing, to the point where the wife’s voice faded into that annoying buzz in the background. It wasn’t until lately when my grandson started talking that I found I wished I could hear again. His voice was just at the right pitch where he was well beyond my meager hearing curve.
I invested in a couple of hearing aids, one for each ear and could suddenly hear a lot of things I took for granted. Lots of noise in the background, birds singing and yes, the wife’s voice came back full force. Though not as good as before I lost it I was kind of enjoying being able to pick up different sounds again and not having to turn the TV volume to 54 to hear the show. Best of all I can hear my grandson talk, and he is worth listening too.
On the down side the world has become a lot noisier place. Restaurants, stores, the mall, all the music, chattering, and the rest can become rather irritating after a while. So the hearing aids are kind of a double edged sword, I get the good with the bad, but fortunately if the bad gets too loud I can pop the hearing aids out and return to my relatively quiet world. Especially handy when my wife decides it’s time for another lecture or to run down her to-do list…
It's nice to hear.
I know what you mean.
You do like to live dangerously, don't you? lol
i reckon that really is selective hearing ..
Oh, Phos...
(so, by this can we assume your wife doesn't read your blog? Secret's safe with me, guy)
You speak of hearing the birds' tweet tweet tweet.
But then add on the inevitable bittersweet.
It's definitely sad that so much noise attacks our senses, true.
But how nice to hear when loved ones speak to you.
Not going to speak to the half full or half empty cup.
Just think that maybe keep the volume turned up.
(by the way, Foam thinks neither the half full or half empty argument.
Rather she feels the glass is twice as large as it was perhaps meant)
i m sure the wife doesnt read this blog...tell us more abt the grandson's talk.
I can say anything abotu my wife as long as she isn't in the room...
there is a rumor
going on the internet
that phos might be a borg
(kind of a male equivalent of 7 of 9, i guess)
this post confirms it
I'm beginning to feel like a borg and that's for sure.
Without your hearing aids you're missing out on that auditory treasure known as gangstra rap which reverberates 'round my igloo 24/7.
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