Friday, November 20, 2009

Dining with Buddhists

Though not strictly required, vegetarianism is encouraged among many Buddhists, kind of a conundrum for a strict omnivore. The main indication that we are meant to eat more than just leafy greens is that our dentition allows us to eat across the broad spectrum of food, a very handy survival ploy. All that being said, dining with Buddhists is very satisfying and the vegetable dishes are extraordinary. Unlike preppy vegans they don’t make the vegetables look as though they are some sort of meat. As one of the diners put it, Tofurkies and the like are for beginners.

The dinner was typical of a Chinese family, rice, stir fried vegetables, soup, and a main course that was similar to sweet and sour pork, but had different types of melon vice the pineapple found in the tourist version and the sauce wasn’t as overpoweringly sweet. There was also some fried pumpkin.

The soup was excellent a combination of button and black mushrooms, vegetable broth, a small ear of corn in each bowl, and cabbage. This soup can be highly recommended for any vegetarian still craving meat, as the black mushroom could easily be mistaken for small pieces of pork.

Everyone sat and talked quietly while passing plates heaped with the delicious repast. There were quite a few diners, ergo several tables were set, the Master dining right along with the rest. There is a beautiful sing-song quality to the Chinese language and this melodic discourse was only interrupted from time to time with s burst of English for the benefit of the non-Chinese guests, of which there were few.

As with everything nice there has to be an end and the meal drew to a close. Everything was perfect, the fellowship, the fumbling with the chopsticks, and the new dishes presented. These are the new experiences all humans should seek out and embrace - different cultures, life styles, customs, and the food associated with them.


At 6:18 PM, Blogger Little Lamb said...

I like to eat meat.

At 8:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yep, i gotta go
with the lamb here

does sound like a great
meal & time tho, phos -- v.nice


At 4:10 AM, Blogger darkfoam said...

sounds absolutely devine ..
next time take me with you!

At 7:15 AM, Blogger dianne said...

Yes vegetarian food does not have to be copies of meat dishes made with tofu, most of the recipes are very satisfying and delicious...yes please take me next time too. ♥

At 7:18 AM, Blogger nanuk said...

Here fine dining is the "polar" opposite of what you describe. Seal ribs boiled in water, goose boiled in water, and frozen arctic char dipped in rendered whale fat, etc. Not a vegetable in sight, but adventuresome cooks will put some rice in the goose boil-up. Strangely, Inuit have a very low rate of cardiac problems.

At 10:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

in some parts
of the world it is
considered delectable delight
to dine on buddists


At 11:36 AM, Blogger Ruela said...

wow man!! very cool!

There are Buddhists on the desert?

At 1:38 PM, Blogger Jack K. said...

Thanks for sharing this experience. I only wish I could have been there. It sounds delicious.

No telling what we could all learn around such tables. Too bad the event won't get broader acceptance. Or, will it?


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