Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Bits of cloth flap in the spring breeze
with voice of thunder
prayers on riding on the wind


At 6:43 AM, Blogger boneman said...

so, you lean on visual poetry.
Pretty cool. Here's hoping your kid does OK and gets the heroes welcome.
All of them, actually.


as you already knew, I'm the dreamer.
On the other hand, srvice brats do better at self safety than the others.

At 9:16 AM, Blogger Lily said...

very interesting poetry!

sorry to hear about your frustrution, but I do understand it and thoughts like that aren't too forreign to me either...

I'm sorry also to hear about your son, but my thoughts are with him, he will be alright.
On the bright side: you can be very proud that he is willing to kick some Talibuttfuck-ass. Obviously he is a young man who does care about both the country and everybody's future. So no matter what happens, that is definitely something to feel good about, and both validate him and yourself for!

I read on another blog, that you did some ghost painting. Wow! didn't know you were an artist as well!
Do you happen to have any pictures of those? (I'm curious, because I'm both a writer and an artist...)

Something totally different: I finally managed to comment on older comments on my blog, also yours, if you are interested... and I also wrote a blog entry on a health matter about a subject that I wish to warn peole about, because nobody sees how manipulated it is, until they have had the damage:


At 7:34 PM, Blogger Becky said...

An imagist are we?

"so much depends on a red wheelbarrow, glazed with rain water, beside the white chickens." -william carlos williams

I had to memorize that for lit last semester. Woo hoo for me, lol. A lot of good it'll do me.

At 5:45 AM, Blogger Ruela said...


you´re a P(h)o(s)et ;)

At 2:09 PM, Blogger boneman said...

what's that? a ghost painter?
You mean like ghost writers write, you paint?

Not nearly as important a question as this next....
does it pay and where's the line?

At 8:02 PM, Blogger Keshi said...

and Im bak with that sunrise ;-)


At 3:29 AM, Blogger Little Lamb said...

Sounds nice.

At 10:01 AM, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

Ghost painter isn't much of a gig, some people use chimps...

At 1:23 PM, Blogger Lily said...

Yeah and what the chimp does, is usually sold as an original Picasso!

At 11:13 AM, Blogger How do we know said...

Phos.. this is the first piece of poetry i have ever read coming from you! And its wonderful!

I am VERY pleasantly surprised :-)


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