Thursday, January 29, 2009


While campaigning our first African American president promised change, particularly change in the way Washington does business, however, aside from a media event meeting with the Republican leadership things haven't changed all that much from Bush's reign. Osama bin Obama is using the same fear mongering tactic George used to get us into Iraq and push TARP through in order to rush through that big steaming helping of pork called an stimulus package.

The stimulus package, for those of you in foreign lands or glued to NASCAR on TV, is allegedly designed to jump start the economy, provide immediate job relief, and save the working class. It is a 647 page document (so far) that will, with interest because all of this money will have to be borrowed, cost US citizens and their progeny close to 1Trillion dollars. The package was crafted by the Democrats with little or no Republican input, though some tax cuts were added in hoes of luring Republicans across party lines, there has been no analysis of its impact on the economy, and in fact the vote in Congress came so rapidly there is some doubt as to whether any of our erstwhile representatives have had time to even read through the phone book sized package.

Some of the projects due to receive the money are repair of the NASA shuttle buildings, re-sodding the Capitol Mall (which was dropped as of last night), and 450M to study climate change. While studying climate change is a worthy endeavor it is hard to see how it will provide more jobs or trigger consumer spending. Another item was bringing broadband to rural areas - nothing wrong with that, but it will be some time before they'll need ditch diggers to cut the trenches for the cabling, maybe 2012 or so.

While I can understand something needs to be done about our economy quickly, rushing this pork roast through the legislature without thorough analysis isn't the best route. It isn't going to help anyone, except those on the receiving end of the funding from the stimulus package, to pass a piece of crap just so it can be made to appear as though Osama bin Obama has taken steps to alleviate the economic depression we now face.

Repealing NAFTA, withdrawal from the World Trade Organization, and establishment of reciprocal trading agreements in their place would be a good first step. Meanwhile, we have a lot of very bright economists in the US, bring them in to help craft a bi-partisan package (yeah, like that could happen) that will provide jobs now, relief for the working class, and help keep people in their homes. TARP is an abysmal failure with the beneficiaries such as Citibank actually contemplating buying a $41M jet (they finally came out and rejected the idea after the deal came to light). This is a mockery and nothing more.

As I have said before the only thing this election has accomplished is to change which party's hand is in the till.


At 6:44 AM, Blogger h said...

I'd call this bill rammed through by the Traitor-Democrat-Party-Of-Filth a huge pile of manure but huge piles of manure have SOME intrinsic value.

It's not a stimulus bill. It has 3 main purposes:

1) Grow the size and power of the Federal Government. The LEAST effecient entities within the Federal Government are getting the Lion's Share. Like TARP, it is rewarding failure.

2) Bail-out those States and Localities run by the Traitor-Democrat-Party-Of-Filth that spent money very unwisely during the 2002-2007 good economy.

3) Make as many "americans" dependent on Government as possible.

At 5:22 PM, Blogger G3T Films said...

Excuse me if I just say 'Hey' and bow out on any opinion to do with American politics.

I do think you should choose a President the way we choose our Prime Minister though, Wrestling Crocodiles!

At 2:46 AM, Blogger Die Muräne said...

This TARP and bailout thingy is corruption and money laundering in it's finest.

just wake up and follow the money!

At 5:43 AM, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

Troll: Next disarming American citizens...

G3T:wrestling crockies, funny!! Either way we'd wind up with a reptile running our gov't!

DM: You made a good point in one of your posts, raised an interesting question - why aren;t Americans rioting in the streets. Maybe too many MOnster Truck Rallies to attend, but you're right, we should be protesting enmasse.

At 12:12 PM, Blogger Die Muräne said...

Not only Americans. Everywhere!


At least plenty of protests over here in Europe. For example a 3 day general strike in France at the moment. Not just one group. All professions are on the streets!
To protest because the multi billion bailouts land in the same old pockets.

He folks, where is your RAGE???

At 5:28 PM, Blogger boneman said...

well, for sure I know two things.
He ain't been in a month and folks are ready to dump on him asap.
I also know that some people think that anyone that doesn't follow to the letter their law (say, the talibanners or alqueda dudes, or even troll) then they are considered 'traitors'.

I would consider not paying attention to how he's going so much as how can we, as individuals, help repair the damages left behind?

Like say, term limits for government electeds....

and others...


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