Saturday, June 09, 2007

When the Cat's Away...

The mice turns to rats... TV Detective Bretta (Robert Blake) always said that, and he got away with murder so he should know what he is talking about. Often wonder if he and O.J. ever exchanged business cards? That's Hollywood justice for you, though you think people in the public eye would be held to a higher standard.

Should be a quiet weekend. I bid Mrs. Phos a fond farewell as she headed off to visit relatives. I am holding down the fort and fortunately I have two huskies to keep me out of trouble. Yukon will remind me when it is dinner time (mine and his) and Austrella will make sure I get to out of bed to let them out at night. Almost like having Mrs. Phos here without the nagging. My vacation this year will be sitting home letting my knee heal. I always try to pack as much fun into a vacation as I can.

I will try to post more pictures this weekend. I am currently trying to shovel out Tiny House. If you spin your own wool, drop me a line - I have about 50Lbs of Husky fur you can have for free. Yukon has begun shedding. Actually it is more or less a continuous thing, just worse this time of year. He is currently kipped out in front of his fan. The fan helps him cool off and as a bonus distributes tufts of his fur throughout the house. Austrella has shorter fur, so she likes to lay out and work on her tan. We have huskies for all season it would seem.

Hope you all have a great weekend!!


At 3:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

must be
almost enough
for another dog, phos

well, enjoy your solo weekend


At 6:14 PM, Blogger Little Lamb said...

Huskies in hot weather, they must love that.

At 8:37 PM, Blogger Chickie said...

I keep saying that I'm going to start saving dog hair and do something with it but I can't figure what. Are you ever tempted to shave your dogs? Stinky dog is lucky that she hasn't been waxed yet.

At 12:25 AM, Blogger caramaena said...

That's a lot of hair! Is this good timing on Mrs Phos' part? Or does she not usually do any of the dog hair shovelling?

At 6:36 AM, Blogger Sister Copinherhair said...

That's funny! I have about fifty pounds of cat hair to add to that every week. We should start a business, Phos.

At 10:09 AM, Blogger none said...

Enjoy your batchelor time and good luck with that do hair. I usually trip mine in front of a shop vac

At 1:32 PM, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

/t.: Sometimes we go through dog food so fast I swear there is another dog here!!

ll: Austrella has short fur so she actually lies out in the sun. Yukon has his personal fan to lay in front of and we keep the air on during the day. They do quite well.

chickie: I won't shave the dogs - their skin is sensitive to the sun - if you cut the fur they burn easy.

caramaena: Mrs Phos has a grabber on a stick she patrols the house with, picking up fur tufts on the fly. Works pretty nice, but she has a habit of stashing the fur in my decorative pot.

du: The Husky fur garment would be ok until rained - ever smell a wet husky?

hammer: Hope you had a good vacation! I can't get near mine with a vac. I think the dogs believe since the vac sucks up fur and they are covered with fur it might suck them up as well. Or maybe they just can't stand the noise. With their hearing the vac is probably making sounds that drive them nuts.

At 2:32 PM, Blogger Sarah Letnes said...

You have a laptop. Blog in bed! You can go anywhere on the Internet.

At 8:25 AM, Blogger Dino said...

mine like to sunbath. I did notice this morning that I had enough fur for another cat (or small dog)


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