Saturday, April 29, 2006

A Day Of Reaction

My wife came up with a response to the “Day of Action” the Hispanics are having on Monday, she calls it a Day of Reaction. Go out and buy everything you can lay your hands on, eat at the local restaurants (not Mexican restaurants, though) and show the gasbag politicians the legals count too.

I also hope the cities and counties hand the bill for these marches to the organizers. I am not paying taxes to let foreigners use our police and other city services.

Nice Hispanic Star Spangled banner BTW. I am learning to fart the Mexican National Anthem, the Mexican Hat Dance. At least I think that is their anthem… That and their green, white and red rag makes and excellent doormat.


At 1:06 PM, Blogger CCCCppppCCppp said...

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At 10:57 AM, Blogger Is it sync'd yet? said...

We actually went to eat some tacos today to find the door locked. Alas, in our town it kind of surprised us but no worries. There was a Italian place right next door. I think the guys working the ovens are from the heel of the boot. Why don't they care?


At 12:26 PM, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

Probably just as well it was locked - they might have spit in the Tacos to show their solidarity.

At 3:47 PM, Blogger Chickie said...

The Spanish Star Spangled Banner makes my teeth hurt.

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