Thursday, February 09, 2006


Let's get things rolling. If the Crusher and Jesus were in a tag team match against Mohammed and Mad Dog Vachon, who' d win?

If no one is allowed to make a picture of Mohammed, then how does anyone know what he looks like - it could be anyone in those cartoons...


At 9:11 AM, Blogger Sarah Letnes said...

Pictures don’t help. Christians don't even know if that's really Mary, Mother of God in their grilled-cheese sandwich or if it's Wynonna Judd.

At 10:11 PM, Blogger KyuBall said...

If an infidel draws a picture of Muhammad in an embassy and no Muslims are there to declare a Jihad, is the drawing funny/insulting?

At 8:15 PM, Blogger crallspace said...

What a whiney bunch those muslims are... and violent.


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