Sunday, April 26, 2009

Wherer'd Phos Go?


At 5:45 AM, Blogger Little Lamb said...

Did you go to Utah?

Do you want more than one wife?

All these questions.

Inquiring lambs want to know.

At 9:42 AM, Blogger Jack K. said...

Or, were you searching for your pet dinosaur?

That is the question all America has been asking.

At 12:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

as your lawyer,
i advise you to answer
with a firm & unequivocal "maybe"


At 1:46 PM, Blogger boneman said...

Well, Phos, he went to Utah, looking for some stuff.
His wife said, you best watch out, one wife is enough.
So he went looking at some bones and rocks out in the desert sands
And he came home with plenty of them, filled his pockets and his hands!

But, Mrs. Phos said, "Dear, we already got plenty!"
and sure enough he counted them, it was a hundred twenty.
She said, "put'em out in the backyard till we figure out what to do."
And then she cuddled right up to Mr. Phos and said, "oh what the hey, I still love you!"

So that Phos he went to Utah, and though we'se all wondering why,
He's busy making his wife so happy, she standing there and cry.
He brung her flowers instead of stones...
Got her candy instead of old bones
And though the dogs felt jipped with what they got,
They just laid around, because, man it's HOT!

So ol' Phos he went to Utah
or at least that's what he'de have us believe.
But just barely settled in there, when he had to leave.
Got on back to his sweetie dear,
the love of his life, nibbler of his ear,
And when he got back a big ol smile!
(he knew he'de be back all the while!)

Well, when ol' Phosgene Kid went to Utah
he was pretty sure all along.
That this was about the longest, silliest kind of song!
And the guy that was singing it as he wrote,
he was a great ol' fan....
cause he liked rocks
and deserts
and lizards
and old bones
and distant mountains
and desert night skies
and all them kind of things TOO!
Well, that must mean it's boneman, and that's one fine howdya do!



At 2:15 PM, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

I'm here for a class. All settled in to the Comfort Fleabag Inn and even have a connection to the outside world. Didn't even have to pirate anyone's broadband.

I seriously don't know what a man would do with more than one woman in his life, aside from going insane. It seems all the rage out in here the land of the Mo, though.

So far the only rough part was I saw snowflakes while I was eating lunch. Pret near lost my appetite. Bad enough I could see my breath when I got off the plane. Snow and cold suck.

At 2:34 PM, Blogger Indigo said...

Indigo Incarnates

Yeah, the Mormons always crack me up. They hate gays and they think the best example of "family values" is to for a 50-year-old religious zealot to have 3-4 wive, with the youngest being 10 years old. Nice. I guess pedophiliia is a Mormon family value.

At 6:13 PM, Blogger Becky said...

Indigo, I'll have you know I am a Mormon and we don't believe in polygamy. If any man chooses to practice polygamy he gets excommunicated from the church. Those polygamists (zealots) in the desert are not Mormons!

We don't hate gays, we love everyone. We may not like their lifestyle, but love them never the less.

Phos, sorry to get all preachy I've just had to hear those things said about my church my whole life and its a tough thing to deal with, especially because it isn't true. Its not so easy being a child and being teased by other kids (in the bible belt where I grew up) that I have more than one mommy when I never did, and thank goodness for that! I could hardly deal with one mother, let alone two!

At 5:06 AM, Blogger Indigo said...

Indigo Incarnates

Becky, I just can't believe you. When your church spent millions of dollars in California spreading lies, fear, and hate in order to get Prop-8 passed, your church made it pretty clear that you think gays are fundamentally evil/flawed/worthless people.

I will never forgive your religion for that. Never.

My religion (Wicca) doesn't think homosexuality is a sin. And yet your religion basically spits in my face. I will disrespect Mormonism to the same extent that it disrespects me.

And if you think what I wrote paints an unfair picture of Mormonism, that's nothing compared to the unfair picture of homosexuality you Mormons portrayed in California prior to Prop-8. So in addition to pedophilia being a Mormon family value, telling lies about unpopular minorities is cherished as well.

At 6:20 AM, Blogger Becky said...

Indigo, I am sorry that you believe that. It is a fact, Mormons are not polygamists! We did have a part in keeping marriage between a man and a woman, but we are not polygamists. Spreading lies does not help anyone's cause and if it does what kind of cause are you supporting???

At 6:56 AM, Blogger Indigo said...

Indigo Incarnates

I support the cause of truth, human life, human dignity, and human choice. In Wicca, there is no moral code against a marriage between two people of the same gender. How DARE your religion presume to be superior to mine to the extent that you were willing to spread lies, hate, and fear just to get your way. Mormonism is a cult and always has been. It just happens to be a cult with very deep pockets.

At 1:55 AM, Blogger Lily said...

cute picture!

At 6:53 PM, Blogger Fuff said...

Mormoms intrigue me....


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