Sunday, August 05, 2007


They are having a fiesta next-door

Is it a quinceanera, some ancient Olmec Observance?

Or just of the joy of life and living

The Tejano springs from the worn speakers of a Goodwill ghetto-blaster

Loud and lyric it livens all it touches

I stand in the yard entranced by the sound

The smell of whatever they are grilling

The laughter and noise of children at play

Playing at musical chairs or some game that once amused their Aztec ancestors

Who knows?

They are living in the moment, loving the moment

Voices in strange tongues (yet somehow understood) praising the evening

Slowly the sounds fade as the fiesta winds down

The music sounds and smells are gone

The piñata broken

The girl inducted into womanhood

Or the boy feted for his birthday

I hope they are out again tomorrow, music loud

Smells of grilling wafting on the breeze

Their laughter reminding me

That life is sweet and to be celebrated

At every opportunity.


At 10:39 PM, Blogger Keshi said...

woohoo take me there too! :)


At 12:35 AM, Blogger none said...

Some know how to celebrate. I never understood the quincinera but then what better excuse to throw a party...

At 9:45 AM, Blogger Dino said...

sounds like a fun party

At 3:17 PM, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

keshi: I'd like to go to one of those weddings you showed in your pictures...

hammer:The quincinera is a coming out party for girls - kind of "Here she is boys, come and get her!!"

dak: They have a lot of get togethers, I love the laughter and music.

At 4:06 PM, Blogger Little Lamb said...

Life is good.

At 5:33 PM, Blogger jin said...

When I was very young we had a big family party and someone brought a piñata.

After all my cousins tried to break it apart unsuccessfully with a golf club (a wood, of course) it was my turn. I was blindfolded and spun around. I hit & hit & hit some more until it broke and candy flew everywhere!!!

By the time I got my blindfold off ALL the candy was gone. I kid you not...every single piece had already been picked up.

I was devastated! I sat down on the floor & watched all the other kids eat their candy in a mad frenzy.

One of my older cousins came towards me. He was the outcast, no one liked him. He had long hair, no job, he smoked, drank underage & drove a motorcycle. I was a bit scared as he approached me, until he handed over two handfuls of candy while saying, "Here, you can have all mine."

I always thought he was the coolest guy after that...until I heard recently that he's in his 40's, still lives with Mom & Dad, still drives a motorcycle (cos he can't afford a car), drinks, smokes & you guessed it, does not have a job.

The moral of the story is:
Uh...hell if I know! :-S

At 6:57 PM, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

ll:Indeed it is, indeed it is...

jin: Don't take candy from relatives???

At 7:04 AM, Blogger Chickie said...


At 5:48 PM, Blogger Fuff said...

Indeed, Phos and beautifully put if I may say so.

At 7:56 PM, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

Thanks all!!!


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